The Fire Between Amazon and Apple

It can be referred from Julian Ertelt’s blog that there is a “battlefield” between Amazon and Apple that can be concluded as the competition of tablet. Apple introduced the iPad to consumers and Amazon innovated Kindle that is much affordable comparing to iPad from consumers’ perspective. Amazon launched this device that priced at only $199 could pose a considerable threst towards iPad 2 which charges $500.


In Ertelt’s point of view, the Amazon’s Kindle contains less competitive strength comparing to Apple’s iPad. I can hardly agree to that. Kindle poses more affordable price for consumers; besides, the function of Kindle is very clear: using as electronic books, and which is almost the only function. Kindle is also convenient for users to carry to anywhere. Kindle represents a fairly new innovation: the electronic ink, which promotes the direction of technology development. Hence, from my perspective, Amazon, as the largest bookseller online, will not be conquered by iPad but lead the direction of technology development.


Amazon opens Fire on Apple

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