Monthly Archives: April 2017

Five things I’ve learned from 292:

  1. Planning is not enough; we need to implement plans.

When we group started case project, we made a plan which decided the deadlines for each part of the project and our meeting dates. It was a detailed plan but we did not really follow it. There were always many issues that delay our meetings and group work. Gradually, we gave up the plan and worked inefficiently, which made us work on the project until the last minute. Therefore, I realized that it is more essential to follow and carry out the plan rather than make it then ignore it.

  1. Emotional connection and interactions are essential.

Because of different hobbies and interests, I do not have many common topics with my group members. The conversations that I started were always about group work. I thought it was OK at beginning; however, I realized that group members need more than task-related communications; we need to build up trust and get to know more about others though interactions. Therefore, members are more willing to work with others and work efficiently.

  1. Class preparation is helpful to your performance in class.

In every class, the prof introduced a large number OB theories and examples. It is hard to understand those theories without reading them before class since the prof only explained the key points of each theory rather than start from definitions.  Therefore, good preparation helps us understand the examples given by the prof and answer questions or participate in discussions.

  1. How to get on with others better

OB is a subject that is highly related to our daily lives. By writing blogs, I realized that we can see OB theories everywhere and we can apply what we’ve learnt from OB.  For example, how to work with people-oriented colleagues and how to motivate friends with esteem needs. Even though we may not work in Human Resource department as a professional HR manager, we can still use the knowledge to deal with relationship issues we may meet and get along well with people around.

  1. Presentation skills

There were two presentations in 292 class and both of them were recorded. It gave me opportunities to practice and see my performance. Also, It improved my public speaking skills, and I realized that my disadvantage is unnecessary tension and stress. I believe that my speaking will be much better if we can relax next time. In addition, I find that my presentation is a bit common and lacks highlights to attract audiences’ eyes. Therefore, I need to develop my own presentation style.