292Blog#1 Maslow’s Hierarchy Needs Applied to Google

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory concludes people’s needs as a hierarchy which includes physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-actualization needs. I would like to analyze Google’s application of Maslow’s Hierarchy Needs, especially the social level, since I think it is the most successful part of Google’s way of motivation.

First of all, Google creates many opportunities for staff to get out of offices and join events. There are sport activities like wall climbing, beach volleyball, and hiking. Also, pajamas and costume parties are held regularly. These events help colleagues get to know each other and make friends. Personally, I believe these activities ensure workers’ happiness in Google since they have time to have fun rather than just focus on work. Enhancing happiness then improves the efficiency and quality of their work.

Besides events, Google is also famous for its unique and influential working environment. Google usually has nicely designed offices and lounges.

Google put the whole office green and decorate the office as a jungle.

Google’s Dr. Seussian Dublin Campus

Sometimes, the office even seems to be located near the sea

Budapest, Hungary

A conference room is set up like a tiny apartment and it also allows owners to bring their dogs inside.

Google’s Chelsea-based headquarters

These creative and comfortable working environment make people feel their company is like a home or a place worth spending their time in. No more spaces between office tables and designs encourage workers to release pressure and relax themselves

Belonging brings happiness in a job, and happiness decides the efficiency and quality of work. Google has good performance in working environment and building relationships between workers. With Google’s very successful formula for employee motivation, it is no wonder that Google is successful.

  1. Dunner, C. (2014, April 10). 8 Of Google’s Craziest Offices. Retrieved February 5, 2017, from https://www.fastcodesign.com/3028909/8-of-googles-craziest-offices
  2. The Google Way of Motivating Employees. (2014, September 25). Retrieved February 5, 2017, from https://www.cleverism.com/google-way-motivating-employees/


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