After reading Mr.Davis blog about disruptive innovation, I recall a very successful innovator, Apple.
At 2007, Apple launched a new product, iPhone, which changed the smartphone market ever since then. IPhone was not that different from others. They added the new concept, apps and had their own program. This innovation has literally changed people’s concept of smartphones.
According to this chart, the first innovation of Apple was not that disruptive. However, Steve Job’s creation and foresight made Apple more disruptive. Although other smartphones had web browsers, Apple built their own, safari. In comparison with other web browsers, safari made surfing the Internet easy.
On the other hand, the physical keyboard was also another disruptive innovator at that time. Compared to the smartphones that had full QWERTY keyboard, full screen without keyboard seemed uncomplicated and intuitive. Only a swipe of finger on the touch sensitive glass, users can access every application.
In conclusion, Apple is always capable of disrupting the market effectively by constantly updating and adding features that impress customers.
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