Important Segments of a Business Strategy


Value proposition is basically what the products or services do. This is a significant part of business strategy. A good value proposition always gives a succinct summary and statement that really captures customers’ attention. Take newspaper for example. If the publisher expects to sell more, the best way is publishing the most attracting and latest news and highlight it to draw people’ attention so that more readers actually want to buy one.

On the other hand, there are many companies within one market competing by remaining the same proposition that other companies have. But I think uniqueness of the proposition is way more important. From my perspective, employees in most companies are valuable. Take journalists for example. There is no point that if anyone has the latest news because eventually everyone would know about it. The key point is how to make it different from others. If the perspective were distinct from others, there would be more readers.

Besides having the right value proposition, target customer is another essential part of a business strategy. Because we want to know who are the ones that would buy more of the product. If we blanket too many customer segments within one marketing area, we would lose most of the customers because it does not apply to them. Apart from that, if we have a larger range of customer segments, we would devote more resources and invest.

In conclusion,  I think a good business strategy should have a perfect value proposition and its target customers.

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