Is it the End of BlackBerry?

The BlackBerry Ltd. is in talk with Cisco System Inc., Google Inc. and SAP AG about selling them all or parts of itself according to a recently news.

Although the BlackBerry had a big loss in the past years, I don’t think simply sell it is a good idea. The BlackBerry is known for its secure server network. So the patent portfolio is the most valuable and important part of the company which could be worth $2-billion to $3-billion. But as the value of BlackBerry’s patent portfolio and licensing agreements is likely to halve in the next 18 months, the value of the BlackBerry company will be underestimated by the possible bidders.

What’more, the Cerberus Capital Management showed interest in the BlackBerry, which lead to a rise in the BlackBerry’s stock.2 The company should seize the opportunity to attract investment. What the BlackBerry should to do is keep its core competitive forces and concentrate on developing its advantage. Imitating others is not good to a creative company like BlackBerry.

“Blackberry CEO.” Blackberry CEO. 18 Nov. 2013 .

1. “The Globe and Mail.” The Globe and Mail. 05 Oct. 2013
2. “BlackBerry stock driven up by reported interest from new buyer – Kitchener-Waterloo – CBC News.” CBCnews. CBC/Radio Canada. 05 Oct. 2013

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