Rubber Duck’s Value Proposition

Florentijn Hofman’s Rubber Duck has been exhibited in several cities and has created incredible profits. For instance, the Giant Rubber Duck had been showed in Beijing for two months and made nearly 33 million dollars (US).

The main reason the rubber duck is so welcomed is that it can make people recall their childhood. Adults are more willing to spend money on things that remind them happy and easy childhood because they have lots of stress now. Although the limited edition rubber duck is quite expensive (about $50 each), they are sold out quickly. Secondly, the design of rubber is simple , people are tend to buy things that designed simple and without too much decoration. Like Apple’s products, they do not have complex design but still very popular. People’s thoughts may change as time goes by. They prefer different kinds of design in different time period. A product’s value proposition is important and need to change as people’s thoughts change.

“Dutch artist’s duck arrives in Sydney harbour.” Phaidon. 17 Nov. 2013 .

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