Time to Rebuild Brand Image – Lululemon

Lululemon is a company that advocate a healthy life style. Their brand image always be positive and friendly. However, this time the CEO of Lululemon didn’t show respect to their customers, which make the customers angry and feel disappointed to Lulumelon.

Lululemon want to popularize yoga, they hold free yoga classes and design pretty and environmentally friendly yoga clothes. But the CEO said not everybody fit in their clothes, this is conflicting to what the company advertised before. This may have influence on their customers who are loyal to the brand.

When facing this kind of quality issue, the CEO should apologize to their customers first to comfort them. It is unethical to criticize other people’s figure especially when they are your customers. Customers choose this brand because they trust and agree with the company’s brand culture. The company should think about how to solve this problem, not how to shift responsibility.

“The Vancouver Sun.” Www.vancouversun.com. 18 Nov. 2013 .


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