We Need Security in the Cyber World

One of the most influential software company Adobe Systems Inc. said that the hackers had stolen source code to some of its most popular software and data on 3rd Oct Thursday. This incident have an impact on millions of its users.

The security issue is becoming more and more urgent due to the number of cyber crimes increasing in the past decades. The loss of this kind of incident is high because the information behind such a popular program like Adobe Reader is extensive. This kind of incidents have a bad effect on the company. The customers may not trust the company anymore.The company should immediately response to the news and apologize to the customers.

Furthermore, it is also a moral problem because some hackers think network attacks are not that serious. Some of the hackers even invade companies’ or governments’ website for fun. The hackers are smart because they have the ability to do such incredible crimes so it is important to lead the hackers to the right way. The concept that the cyber crimes are serious should be advertised so people won’t take risks to do them.

“The 15 Rules Of Web Disruption.” PopularResistanceOrg. 18 Nov. 2013 .

“The Globe and Mail.” The Globe and Mail. 06 Oct. 2013

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