Business Ethics: KFC China in Poultry Scandal

As the first quick-service restaurant chain to enter China, KFC has become the top one fast food brand in China with more than 4,400 restaurants across the country. Undoubtedly, the most popular Original Recipe Chicken and other chicken products are in large demand everyday. However, it is published that KFC chickens in China are being fed chemicals that are so toxic that it can kill the flies that buzz around it. The chemicals and additives in the feed can speed up chickens’ growth cycle to only 45 days. The matured chickens are then sold to KFC in pretty low price with a profit of 2 to 3 CNY per chicken.

A Chinese farmer working at a chicken farm in Hefei Province

A Chinese farmer working at a chicken farm in Hefei Province

No matter KFC China has realized or not the chicken they processed and sold has a serious safety problem, it should be responsible for the chicken scandal that shakes people’s confidence in the brand. In spite of the huge profit generated from the selling of fried chicken and chicken finger, KFC ought to guarantee people’s health instead of blindly supplying low-quality chicken to customers to maximize their own profits. The only good news is that after being hit by the scandal, KFC China starts to fulfill social responsibility by strictly selecting reliable food sources and its first step is dropping some of the illegal poultry suppliers.


Chinese KFC Chicken Supplier in Feed Scandal. Digital image. The Epoch Times. N.p., 28 Nov. 2012. Web. 01 Oct. 2013. <>.



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