New IGT Logo
IGT has been the top one provider of slot machines to casinos worldwide for a long history and recently they launched the brand-new logo. “This is so much more than a logo change,” said Patti Hart, CEO of IGT. “Our brand’s next chapter is built upon what has made us great.” Indeed, the new International Game Technology’s blue-painted logo not only gives a contemporary look to the old icon bust also symbolizes that gaming machine is marching towards the interactive realm from casinos. As the competition between IGT and rivals like Bally Techniques is increased in the market, IGT redesign its new logo to strengthen the brand image, hoping it could translate into sales.

New logo at IGT Booth
While diversity of goods and services in modern market makes it hard for a brand to get into consumer’s head, a new logo might somewhat grab their attention. However, this is the very first step. What matters is that IGT can impress people by its new brand positioning focusing on interaction with other media. Let’s just hope that the IGT’s highly-anticipated slot machine based on movie titles “Avatar” could become a huge success after being launched!
“IGT Reveals Its Bold New Brand Positioning.” Digitaljournal.com. N.p., 23 Sept. 2013. Web. 02 Oct. 2013. <http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/1482037>.
IGT. Digital image. Reviewjournal.com. N.p., 23 Sept. 2013. Web. <http://www.reviewjournal.com/business/igt-redesigning-logo-convey-brands-next-chapter>.