The Apple at the summit

According to international brand consulting firm Interbrand, Apple has finally surpassed Coca-Cola as the World’s Number 1 brand. And with the record breaking sales of Apple’s latest addition to the family, the iPhone 5s. It is no surprise that Apple has finally taken the number 1 spot.

Apple’s success comes from not only having elegant, innovative and user-friendly designs but also from its brilliant marketing plan. Apple’s “Think different” campaign strikes a particular cord with me as i believe that being different takes a lot more courage than simply fitting in. For our tech savvy generation with our social media and networking sites, we are continuously peering into the lives of others while at the same time desperately trying to define ourselves. With a whole generation hung up on individualistic expression and self discovery, Apple’s “Think different” is the perfect value proposition.

To be different is what calls out to the youths of today and Apple has been doing that since day 1. A testament to their success is their ever growing loyal customer base in America. However, although the article says that Apple’s position is relatively secured at number 1, I believe that the Android’s dominance in China’s market will pose a huge threat to Apple in the coming years. If Apple gets complacent and doesn’t continue weakening the Android’s dominance in China’s market, they may very well be blindsided by Google in the near future.

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