Liberation Wrapper!

Freshness burger, a national burger chain in Japan, faced an unusual challenge. Its classic burger, the largest burger on their menu, had the lowest sales amongst female customers. With the help of the advertising company, Dentsu Tokyo Inc, Freshness burger dug out the root of the problem and found that the low sales were linked to a particular perception of beauty in Japan. The “Ochobo” or small mouthed women were perceived to be elegant and attractive in Japanese culture. Therefore, taking a large bite out of the classic burger was viewed to be unattractive thus deterring Japanese women from purchasing them.

Dentsu Tokyo and Freshness burger sort out a way to work around this cultural convention. Their answer was called the Liberation wrapper. This wrapper, which doubles as a face mask with picture of a lady with a small dainty mouth printed on it, allowed Japanese women to enjoy their large burgers while maintaining their elegant bearing. This idea may seem ridiculous to people from other cultures. However, the fact that sales of classic burgers to female customers rocketed up by 213% from the previous month, proves that this campaign was a stroke of marketing brilliance. The Liberation Wrapper is a perfect example of brilliant marketing research, understanding of their targeted audience and catering to their targeted audience’s needs.

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