Investment manager gets two-year prison term for fraud

This article is about investment manager Terrence Bedford who was found guilty of running a fraudulent trading scheme that cost investors $5-million. Terrence Bedford ran Hamilton-based Greyhawk Equity Partners LP and as we learned in class, succumbed to corruption due to the fact that he could easily bend the rules to his favor.

Mr Bedford faces to a 2 year jail sentence for his crimes as the court feels the need “to send a strong message of deterrence to those who try to exploit investors.” My question is that will a 2 year jail sentence really differ men in power from corruption? Oddly enough in the case of Josh Pillault, a 19year old teenager, who was jailed for making sarcastic threats on an online game. Josh Pillault was sentenced up to 8 years in jail and has currently spent a total of 9 months behind bars.

I simply cannot understand how a sarcastic remark was deemed a more severe crime than financial fraud. When comparing the 2 cases, hypothetically speaking, I would still be inclined to commit financial fraud seeing as the rewards greatly outweigh the risks. I believe that financial fraud should have a much heavier punishment if we really want to curb corruption.

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