How green is your supply chain?

How should we keep the supply chain GREEN? Sustainable supply chain management could improve the companies reputation and increase revenues in the long run. If you show them that your goods and services are delivered via a green supply chain to customers, they will trust the company more from an environmental-friendly perspective.

Collecting data from all the partners along your supply chain is costly, but can create the transparency that adds value to your business. Sharing this data with your customers allows them to make informed decisions.

The following questions should be asked to suppliers:

  • What resources do you use?
  • What is the impact on the climate?
  • What chemicals do you use?
  • What conditions do you provide for the workers?

If you can’t influence how your products are manufactured, perhaps you can change how they are transported or disposed of.

How can you make a difference?

  • Buy local
  • Avoid rush shipping and delivery
  • Reduce excess inventory
  • Green your packaging

Greening your supply chain may raise your standards as well as raising the bar for your competitors. This is a long-term commitment that requires a shift in thinking.



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