Sell an experience, add value

How did Red Bull achieve its success? A vital element in tis success is the stories associated with the drink. Those exciting, appealing stories happened  in the extreme-sports events draw costumers’ attention to the product itself. So, If you build in an experience to the sale of your product or service, your customers may spend more time and, therefore, more money on what you have to offer. A unique experience can add value and give you an advantage over your competitors.


When you offer your customers an experience, rather than a traditional transaction, you appeal to their emotions. The focus changes from the product to the customer. Think of what your brand represents. What emotions do you want your customers to experience when they use your product or service? How will you take them there? You can start by developing that feeling when you create an experience, and then carry through with something tangible.

Consider involving your clientele even more by providing options where they really have a chance to interact with your brand, such as:

  • Product and service demonstrations
  • Educational seminars or workshops
  • Guided tours of your facility to show how your product is made
  • Themed meals or tastings
  • An immersive approach, such as agritourism

Make your brand memorable. Be the business where customers want to linger.



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