Understanding Your Unique Selling Proposition

How to sell your services or products in  a more efficient way? And how can a salesman close a deal by giving a deep impression of the product to consumers?

The key to effective selling in this situation is the “unique selling proposition” (USP) .Pinpointing your USP requires some hard soul-searching and creativity.This requires careful analysis of other companies’ ads and marketing messages.

How to discover your USP?

Put yourself in your customer’s shoes. Step back from your daily operations and carefully scrutinize what your customers really want.hat could make customers come back again and again and ignore your competition? The answer might be quality, convenience, reliability, friendliness, cleanliness, courtesy or customer service.

Know what motivates your customers’ behavior and buying decisions. Effective marketing requires you to be an amateur psychologist. You need to look at consumers’  motives for buying your products — taste, peer pressure, convenience and so on.

Uncover the real reasons customers buy your product instead of a competitor’s. As your business grows, you’ll be able to ask your best source of information: your customers.You will be surprised how honest people are when you ask how you can improve your service.

Successful business ownership is not about having a unique product or service; it’s about making your product stand out — even in a market filled with similar items.

Reference: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/225659#ixzz2klj2qLZu



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