baby milk in China

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In the ariticle, we knew that two children had died after drinking the toxic formula,another 1,200 more had developed kidney stones . This was really a big shock to China’s mothers and had raisen ethical concerns to the Chinese customers. Sanlu chairwoman Tian Wenhua has been sacked over the scandal.

Melamine is a kind of chemical which supposed to go into plastics production,but never be used in food production.It was once found being added in esported pet food which killed thousands of cats and dogs in the USA , and even animals’ death had raisen ethical concerns to the American customers , not to mention the children’s death.

The reason why so many milk companies provided baby milk with melamine in order to make it seem like it had a higher protein content ,  was due to their desire to earn more money by decrease their cost in producing baby milk . But they never thought about the Chinese children ,  the only thing in their mind is their companies’s pofit , they did not care if the children would be ill or even dead.

I do agree this scandal has fully appealed government’s attention and I do believe government will check the constituent of the baby milk powder , but the best way to avoid tragedy like this is to build up buisness people’s business ethics.

Coonan. C(2008)China alarm spreads over toxic baby milk

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