home-made mobile phone versus Iphone


Iphones , considered to be the best mobile phone in the world is losing fans in China recently. On the contrary , home- made mobile phones in China are getting more and more fans in the recent years.



According to the data displayed in the early 2013 , 1.3 hundred million home-made mobiles phones have been sold . It is a huge increase compared with the same time in 2012. Only two foreign brands have left to the top ten mobile phone sellers in China , which are Apple and Samsung.

Home-made mobile phones in China has the strength in price. Customers can get a smart phone with a lower price but will cost a lot to buy an iphone or Samsung mobile phone.  Opportunities to home-made mobile phones have come in the recent years   , as Iphone 5s did not make a big breakthrough compared with Iphone 5 , many Chinese customers have become bored to see the almost the same Iphones all the time , and the high price of Iphone 5c has greatly decrease the Chinese customers interests in it . Now , it is the time that Chinese customers turn to buy home-made mobile phones. Different from the past , home-made mobile phones in China are not only simply copying the outlooks and technology from foreign mobile phones , but are making  breakthrough little by little , which is really an exciting phenomenom to see . Another opportunity to home-made mobile phones is the spirit of supporting home-made products in every Chinese customers heart.

I think if the home-made mobile phones in China can keep going making breakthrough and doing research in new mobile phones’ technology , home-made mobile phones will become a strong competitor to compete with the popular brand such as Apple and Samsung.


Retrieved fromhttp://productnews.itxinwen.com/2013/0923/531796.shtml


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