The world’s most ethical companies


The Ethisphere Institute ,  an organization focuses on business ethics ,  has published a list of the world’s most ethical companies this year .

According to The Ethisphere Institute ,Starbucks was the only company in the restaurants and cafes category to make the list this year , McDonald , however , has disappeared on that list since 2010 .

Some famous companies such as Apple has never shown up in the lists. These companies’ CEO may think their companies can only choose one between ethics and profit  , but Aflac chairman said that they were proud to be on the list because it was the best endorsement of their belief that ethics and profits will not be conflicted to each other.

As a matter of fact , skillful staffs are more likely to choose an ethical company as their working place because working for ethical companies can rise employees’ morale and these companies are much easier to maintain relationships between consumers and firms. So both ethics and profits are possible to get at the same time .

Also , other food companies should concern this terrified fact , since all the food companies has failed to reach the ethical standard except Starbucks . Food companies should check the food materials from other suppliers strictly , because only a few carelessness can cause huge tragedies to consumers according to plenty of food safety issues all over the world .



Hincha. M (2013) Starbucks and Aflac: Two of the world’s most ethical companies

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Crocs: comfortable and colorful living style

Nowadays , wearing Crocs shoes have been a fashion in China . In many other countries , their target markets are children , pregnant women and swimmers , but in China , people at different ages like to wear Crocs shoes , some people even wear them at home .

Crocs shoes  bring people convenience and have many colors to choose (nearly 30 colors) .They match Chinese people ‘s comfortable and colorful living style , and the shoes make them feel positive . Although , many other brands of shoes can also give people the feeling of comfort , but they can not offer people so many colors to choose , and this is one of the strengths of Crocs shoes.

Crocs shoes can be both shoes and sandals , which offer people more convenience compared with other brand of shoes. When Crocs shoes become sandals , they are different from normal ones as well  , instead of showing people’s toes to others , Crocs sandals are closed toe ones , which turns out to be a unique design loved by people all over the world . This expend their using places , not only in swimming pool ,but also on streets . Both of the convenience and unique design are POD benefit which satisfied people ‘s willingness to have comfortable and colorful lives .



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JDB rebuild their brand imagine through THE VOICE OF CHINA

中国好声音广告费价格狂飙 每15秒达到36万

The Voice of China is a very successful musical program in China nowadys . Besides  the nice music , the most impressive thing left on the audients was JDB company‘s advertising.

Before the TV show broadcasted on TV , JDB had invested 60000000 dollars on the TV program , whose future was not clear . It was really an unrestrained gambling for JDB ,but after 4 weeks , facing the big success gained by THE VOICE OF CHINA , JDB was satisfied with the investment.

Although some people thought it was very rediculous to invest such a huge amount of money , JDB thought opposite to it as the company thought it  was quite worthful .Since JDB has lost the brand ” Wong Lo Kat”  , it has been an emergency for JDB to rebuild its brand image , and the investment made the brand imagine of JDB appear everywhere in the TV show ,  which is know as carpet bombing advertising.

In my opinion , JDB should treasure their imagine at the moment , because  it is difficult for  a company to build the brand imagine ,but it is quite easy to destroy it which only need a case of food safety incidents. Meng Niu company used to be a very famous brand of milk industry in China , but since they provided milk with melamine, their company’s brand imagine has destroyed in just a few days . So no matter how hard the company tried in advertising , the company should not lose its business ethic , otherwise all effort will worth nothing but gain the customers’ complaint.

In my opinion , JDB should seize the opportunity to rebuild their brand imagine as well as research high quality of the drink and never infringe other company’s brand imagine again.

窦媛媛(2012)中国好声音广告费价格狂飙 每15秒达到36万

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