Comment 2 The Horror: Uggs Has A Wedding Line Now

In Nicole Joelle Poon’s blog, she talked about Bridal Uggs. She said nowadays, Uggs’ is getting fewer and fewer loyalty customers. In order to win back consumers as well as keeping their hearts on their products, Uggs gave out a wedding line. But this act did not change Uggs’ situation, no turnover had happened.

In my opinion, a wedding line is not a good choice for Uggs to win back their customers, because no bride will wear Bridal Uggs at their very big days. Weddings has been a dream to every girl since they were young, and high heals are in their wedding dreams for sure. Wearing classic high heals is a tradition which is hard for Uggs to break, so no matter how beautiful the bridal Uggs are, the boots won’t sell well.

To win back consumers, I think Uggs can produce not only boots but also gloves,scarfs or even overcoat . Only selling boots can be monotonous, since gloves, scarfs and overcoats are also needed in winter, Uggs can offer them with soft fluff to customers. After customers accept their gloves, scarfs and overcoats, this may create a phenomenon, every time when people talking about winter, Uggs can simply get into their minds.


Comment 1

After reading Lingyi Xing’s blog posted on the success of “The Fast Fashion”,  I got to know a fashion apparel brand named “Zara” .

In Lingyi Xing’s blog, she talked about Zara’s fast fashion and the accusations the company been confronted.

Although Zara learnt the new fashion from Paris, Milan, New York, the company does not simply copy designs from famous fashion apparel brands, but it comes up with its own variations base on these designs.

Zara might be accused because the company had the suspicion of coping other companies’ designs, otherwise Zara would not be funded billions of euros every year. What I think is that Zara ought not to copy apparels’ looking from other companies’ products, but it can refer their designing styles and come up with Zara’s own apparels’ looking.


MUJI:a Simple lifestyle

Compared with many other companies’ products, MUJI’s products have no brand name, no advertisements and no ornate packaging, but the company’s products have actually become popular among customers. How come?

MUJI’s products have an idea of simpleness. The company wants to omit all the procedures that are actually useless to customers.Its products’ label paper is a good example to show the company’s idea. If you walk in MUJI stores, you may see all the products’ label paper is in light brown, this is because MUJI  deletes the procedure of bleaching, and different from other companies’ products, MUJI’s products do not have decoration or various color for customers to choose,  its products are always in white or even have no color. According to MUJI’s marketing strategy, it thinks customers are more willing to buy practical products rather than ornate products, it sustains high quality beats beautiful decorations.

In a word, MUJI wants its customers to have simple lifestyles.


Online shopping on festival

Nowadays, when festivals arrive, online shopping websites in China are likely to double their order forms compared with those at ordinary times. Many customers are willing to purchase goods on these days because of sales promotions. Lots of spectacular selling data has been created. But is this phenomenon really a good thing as it sounds?

Behind the glorious success of getting order forms, logistics industry and after sale services are confronting great pressure.

To deliver all the goods to customers, delivery companies need to hire more labors as well as renting more carrier vehicles. Usually, labors need to be hired for at least one month and so do carrier vehicles, but the huge number of ordering goods are likely to finish delivering in just a week. This time distinction will cause great losses to delivery companies.

To some small business online stores, sales promotions may be disasters. In order to manufacture big number of goods, the speed of manufacturing need to be in a high level, and this will cause low quality goods. This is why online stores are more likely to get complaints from angry customers after festivals. To fix these problems, online stores have to exchange bad quality goods to good quality ones, otherwise these customers may post complaints on stores’ websites and the number of sales may come down afterwards.

In my opinion, low cost strategy is not the only strategy for online stores to develop. Making creative products with fantastic designs can also help these stores be distinctive to others, because of these distinctions, they can get more profits.


Zappos Insight

Zappos Insights’ is a department within the Zappos Family of Companies created simply to help share the Zappos Culture with the world.

Many people think Zappos is crazy because it treats its employees and customers as family members. Zappos offers free food to its employees during working hours, even items in the vending machines are free. Also, It does not set a limited phone time for the staff members.

So why should Zappos does these? Is the company really crazy? In fact, Zappos can get benefits from doing these.Offering free food to its employees will help its staff members to be in good mood while working and this helps reduce excuses for employees to leave their working place.  Giving employees unlimited phone time can create a closer relationship between employees and customers, this will increase the number of its customers who are willing to come back purchasing goods again and again.

Nowadays, Zappos has already become a place where its employees love coming to work. This will helpfully prevent its employees from quitting jobs in Zappos to work for other companies like Zappos. It turns out to be a good way to reinforce its strength to compete with other companies by keeping skillful employees.


Burger King’s whopper of a turnaround

This undated photo provided by Burger King shows a French Fry Burger. Shares in the No. 2 burger chain jumped 6 per cent on Monday, Oct. 28, 2013, after it beat third-quarter profit and sales expectations and hiked its dividend by 16 per cent. (AP)

Burger King’s stock has outpaced its main rival, McDonald’s Corp. Some people worry the stock is getting too expensive, I think it gets reasons for that.

The high price in stock may be a cause of its innovation to its menu. French-fry burger and low-fat “Satisfries” are its new items which claim to have fewer calories.These new items meet shifting consumer tastes as more and more people are having obesity problem and they need fewer calories food.

Also, it may be a cause of  Burger King’s business model– the franchisee model . Burger King’s model means most capital costs are borne by franchisees. Nowadays, up to 97% of Burger King’s stores are owned by franchisees. Franchisees pay Burger King for royalties. This help reduce Burger King’s costs and get it a stronger cash flow so that it can set up more stores all around the world.





Online video in China

China’s online-video market is the largest and most innovative in the world. The country has the largest number of online-video viewers: around 45 om, or nearly 80% of the internet- connected population.

TV industry in China, in contrast, continues to lose viewers because of content range. It is really difficult for Chinese programs to get official approvals for broadcasting. In this way, online-video market gets popularity from TV industry.

Although Chinese online-video industry may be unique, its economics are not. Online video only gets profits from advertisements and ad-skipping, which are not enough to cover the high cost of buying bandwidth and copyrights.

Because of the funding pressure, Youku and Tudou, the country’s top online video provider have been merged. The merger may cause a fall in copyright purchase prices which will does good to the industry and increase prices of advertisements. Moreover, since one rival has gone, other players in the industry get benefit.

However, low profit margins must to be resolved because merger can only reduce the finance pressure in the short run. As more and more players will appear in the online-video industry and the more and more intense competition, funding pressure will be unbearable again.

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