Online shopping on festival

Nowadays, when festivals arrive, online shopping websites in China are likely to double their order forms compared with those at ordinary times. Many customers are willing to purchase goods on these days because of sales promotions. Lots of spectacular selling data has been created. But is this phenomenon really a good thing as it sounds?

Behind the glorious success of getting order forms, logistics industry and after sale services are confronting great pressure.

To deliver all the goods to customers, delivery companies need to hire more labors as well as renting more carrier vehicles. Usually, labors need to be hired for at least one month and so do carrier vehicles, but the huge number of ordering goods are likely to finish delivering in just a week. This time distinction will cause great losses to delivery companies.

To some small business online stores, sales promotions may be disasters. In order to manufacture big number of goods, the speed of manufacturing need to be in a high level, and this will cause low quality goods. This is why online stores are more likely to get complaints from angry customers after festivals. To fix these problems, online stores have to exchange bad quality goods to good quality ones, otherwise these customers may post complaints on stores’ websites and the number of sales may come down afterwards.

In my opinion, low cost strategy is not the only strategy for online stores to develop. Making creative products with fantastic designs can also help these stores be distinctive to others, because of these distinctions, they can get more profits.


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