Comment 2 The Horror: Uggs Has A Wedding Line Now

In Nicole Joelle Poon’s blog, she talked about Bridal Uggs. She said nowadays, Uggs’ is getting fewer and fewer loyalty customers. In order to win back consumers as well as keeping their hearts on their products, Uggs gave out a wedding line. But this act did not change Uggs’ situation, no turnover had happened.

In my opinion, a wedding line is not a good choice for Uggs to win back their customers, because no bride will wear Bridal Uggs at their very big days. Weddings has been a dream to every girl since they were young, and high heals are in their wedding dreams for sure. Wearing classic high heals is a tradition which is hard for Uggs to break, so no matter how beautiful the bridal Uggs are, the boots won’t sell well.

To win back consumers, I think Uggs can produce not only boots but also gloves,scarfs or even overcoat . Only selling boots can be monotonous, since gloves, scarfs and overcoats are also needed in winter, Uggs can offer them with soft fluff to customers. After customers accept their gloves, scarfs and overcoats, this may create a phenomenon, every time when people talking about winter, Uggs can simply get into their minds.


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