JDB rebuild their brand imagine through THE VOICE OF CHINA

中国好声音广告费价格狂飙 每15秒达到36万

The Voice of China is a very successful musical program in China nowadys . Besides  the nice music , the most impressive thing left on the audients was JDB company‘s advertising.

Before the TV show broadcasted on TV , JDB had invested 60000000 dollars on the TV program , whose future was not clear . It was really an unrestrained gambling for JDB ,but after 4 weeks , facing the big success gained by THE VOICE OF CHINA , JDB was satisfied with the investment.

Although some people thought it was very rediculous to invest such a huge amount of money , JDB thought opposite to it as the company thought it  was quite worthful .Since JDB has lost the brand ” Wong Lo Kat”  , it has been an emergency for JDB to rebuild its brand image , and the investment made the brand imagine of JDB appear everywhere in the TV show ,  which is know as carpet bombing advertising.

In my opinion , JDB should treasure their imagine at the moment , because  it is difficult for  a company to build the brand imagine ,but it is quite easy to destroy it which only need a case of food safety incidents. Meng Niu company used to be a very famous brand of milk industry in China , but since they provided milk with melamine, their company’s brand imagine has destroyed in just a few days . So no matter how hard the company tried in advertising , the company should not lose its business ethic , otherwise all effort will worth nothing but gain the customers’ complaint.

In my opinion , JDB should seize the opportunity to rebuild their brand imagine as well as research high quality of the drink and never infringe other company’s brand imagine again.

窦媛媛(2012)中国好声音广告费价格狂飙 每15秒达到36万

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