On another student’s blog post: “You Are What You Like”

Maddi Koop’s blog post “You Are What You ‘LIKE’”

Upon reading Maddi’s blog post – “You Are What You LIKE”, I was immediately intrigued to try it myself. How it works is that the application to gathers your facebook data and then analyzes it to generate an estimated report on your personality.

A clip from the results. Other results include extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness.
From: youarewhatyoulike.com

I was very impressed by the results. As Maddi mentioned, the program must have a very complex data mining and matching algorithm.

Although I agree in general that the ethics of this program seems sketchy, we can note that Facebook’s privacy policy outlines what they do with everyone’s information. Outlined in the policy, Facebook states that they can use their data for advertising. This basically means we’re voluntarily giving up our personal information to be used for marketing.

Looking past the ethics, from the standpoint of companies this data could be extremely useful. In a world of value-based marketing, companies can target people who are in their specific target market.


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