There’s no doubt that technology helped the marketing world to a very large extent. Reaching more customers, cheaper prices and targeting a more specific audience group. However, how far can this go? Recently, a swedish online newspaper called Expressen encouraged their customers to talk to the advertisement. The advertisement then engaged in a full-conversation with the viewers. Making it the first example of an interactive voice advertisement. This is stated to be very effective as “An ad on a mobile device is a very inanimate thing – people don’t take much notice, If you look at adverts right now, be they mobile, print or broadcast on the web or TV, the individual stares at it, listens and possibly absorbs some of it.The experiments we’ve done so far show that if you interact with the ad through speech the recall is far stronger,” – stated by John West, the architect of Nuance Communications.
Could this be the future of all advertisements? To completely engage the audience and increase the level of interactivity. It may be able to answer many questions that the customer has about the product and inform them on a level to which a normal advertisement couldn’t.