LG Announces Curved Screen Phones to Launch in 2014!


Innovation. The process of introducing new ideas that may affect products or the way in which they are made. It can also be considered as the commercial exploitation of a new invention. Innovation in technological companies are especially important because they are all looking for that new product that no one has come up with yet but the customers are dying to have. Companies like Microsoft and Apple are the masters of innovation, coming up with hundreds of products that set them apart from all of their competition. That’s what LG is trying to achieve here, by introducing the first curved and flexible OLED panel for the smartphone. The South Korean firm has announced that it hopes to sell the curved screen phones next year.

To me innovation is all about starting a new trend and going outside the norm in the industry. Looking at the basic structure of how cell phones have changed can back up this argument. With the majority of the cell phones in 2012 and 2013 being smartphones without a keypad shows the change in consumer purchasing habits. Prior to this, most phones used to have keypads and most of them were not smart phones. All people needed was the ability to text and call. Now people play games on their phones, search the internet and watch movies. Therefore, this article and move from LG is interesting to see. Could it be that in a year or two from now the curved screen phone will take the same effect as a phone with no keypad and make it so that the majority of phones are curved for the convenience of the consumers?

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