Most businesspeople use social media to make contacts, sustain relationships and identify needs and discover new resources or innovations while social media is the essential tool to build the ties between individuals and communities since social enterprises are operated to sell a social, environmental or cultural good or service, which means that social media speeds up the sale of social enterprises. Social media can help enterprises to make partnerships, identify financial contributors recruit volunteers with the right kills, crowd source new ideas or solutions and promote missions to promote products potentially but effectively.
For example, the enterprises whose main products are made from recyclable materials are actually not only making profits but also taking the goal of promoting the idea of protecting our environment as their main achievement. But they have to fully utilize social media to reach their goal at the same time selling their products. No people would be willing to spend more money to buy an expensive but recyclable item if they are not clear of the importance of protecting products, so enterprises have to make customers clear of their social objectives via social media. Specifically, noncommercial advertisements before any television shows and online videos are always effective enough to get the public attentions and promote public interests concepts.
In a word, social media is the most effective way for social enterprises to promote their public interests concepts and products or services by connecting individuals and communities.