Is HTC the New BlackBerry?

In most recent months, BlackBerry has made a plethora of business news headlines regarding its imminent corporate demise. And it appears that BlackBerry won’t be alone – HTC may just as well be delving into the Abyss of Failed Companies. The gateway of HTC’s impending troubles has manifested itself into the abysmal form of a quarterly report.  That  is, HTC reported its first ever quarterly loss as it continues to lose its once prosperous footing in the smartphone industry. In just the three short months leading to September, HTC suffered a whopping 100 million dollar loss. What exacerbates this Taiwanese company’s fortunes further is the fact that over the past year, company shares have fallen by more than 50%, thanks to investors hopping aboard the market shares train of all-time rivals, Samsung and Apple. While HTC has launched new, innovative products like the HTC One with a desperate hope to “regain some of the lost ground”, analysts have reported the prospects of HTC’s road to recovery as nothing short of dreary. In essence, it is safe to say that if HTC doesn’t make a groundbreaking comeback soon, BlackBerry will soon have company at the bottom of the smartphone totem pole.

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