The Cons of Online Grocery Shopping

I recently came across Julie Park’s blog on the new online grocery: AmazonFresh. AmazonFresh is a branch of that gives consumers the opportunity to indulge in the new trend of online grocery shopping. While I agree with Julie on the plethora of benefits one could reap from purchasing groceries with mere clicks of the mouse (e.g. the time-saving, convenient and variety-filled nature of the online store) I thought it would be worthwhile to play the devil’s advocate of online grocery shopping.

First and foremost, my research shows that a colossal con of online grocery shopping is the fact that one can no longer hand-pick their groceries. Online grocery shoppers must wave adieu to the experience of silently knocking on watermelons or doing a comprehensive rotational check on apples, as these practices are replaced by the person responsible for compiling the online order. In other words, online grocers are bound to receive a bad apple or two come delivery day. Other cons include the lag of the couponing process, anti-social nature of the online transaction and last but not least, waiting for the online delivery order itself.

Read Julie’s blog here:

Explore the pros and cons of online grocery shopping here:

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