Nike “Just Did It”… Ethically?

Nike protests Reuters

Nike is undoubtedly a forerunner on the business stage. Time and time again, Nike has emerged to be the leader of effective brand messaging (“just do it” anyone?), the hip trendsetter of all things workout apparel and sports gear, and until recently, the poster child for unethical “labor practices” (cough, sweatshops, cough).

While it wasn’t that long ago relentless protesters urged Nike crying, “Just don’t do it!”, regarding its unscrupulous means of production, Nike emerged once more as a leader – as a face of change – in the business world. Displaying one of the greatest turnarounds  of controversial business scandals, Nike has managed to recover from the crippling conundrum via increased monitoring efforts of production and frequent, “transparent” reports of conditions and pay in factories.

The detailed ethical revolution of Nike can be found here:

Although Nike has found recourse on PR and marketing platforms by displaying such a “transparent” turnaround, there still remain ongoing claims of “abuses, still-low wages or tragedies.”

However, the silver lining is this:

Nike’s ethical transformation can serve as a guideline in which other companies with alleged unethical practices can follow.

Essentially, It is safe to say that Nike “just did it” ethically… somewhat.



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