Lululemon’s Next Challenge

The premium yoga wear brand, Lululemon, most prevalently known for its classic omega symbol stamped on its merchandise, is undoubtedly the hallmark of a successful company. With its soaring revenues, skyrocketing stock prices and reputable brand image, Lululemon is a retail force to be reckoned with in the yoga wear industry. The next step for progressing this prosperous company seems to be in the hands of the global market: that is, international expansion. Such tremendous expansion appears to be a paramount feat for Lululemon, as the Canadian retailer is keenly observing the international markets amidst the chaos of searching for a new chief executive. A lucrative, untapped market appears to lie within the borders of Canada’s southern neighbours, the United States with the “capacity to handle some 300 stores, doubling its footprint.” Another promising market seems to be mainland China, where shoppers may be tired of purchasing merchandise from mainstream athletic brands. Despite these idyllic speculations, pursuing such an ambitious venture is bound to be entailed with risks. The capricious nature of the global market and the unpredictable outcome of translating Lululemon’s grassroots style to foreign markets are a few of a myriad of potential risks laying ahead for the retailer.

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