
Re “Will New Campaign Help Kraft’s Comeback of Jell-O”

In the article “Will New Campaign Help Kraft’s Comeback of Jell-O” , Yiling Liu, the author, analyzed the main reason why sales for Jell-O in recent years has been declining, and gave his own recommendation in terms of brand proposition. According Yiling’s analysis in terms of industry trend and customer psychology, he believes emphasizing Jell-O’s “fun” rather than “sweetness” can let Kraft re-position this product. Personally, target customers of Jell-O are mainly family with little kids, because this product attracts many children by its colorful, amusing appearance. In this sense, it is FUN that is Jell-O’s unique selling proposition, and what differs it from other similar snacks. Accordingly, advertising should emphasize more on how this product can bring happiness and amusement to families, rather than how sweet Jell-O is. Nowadays, people automatically associate sweet snacks with high calories and unhealthy diet preference. So focusing on how “chocolatey” and “sweet” it is in advertising cannot be beneficial to sales of Jell-O. So FUN-based advertising and more colorful, creative, interesting snacks are highly recommended. Only with continuously launching new products can Jell-O attracts and satisfy its customer.

Work cited:

Liu, Yiling. “Will New Campaign Help Kraft’s Comeback of Jell-O.” Yiling Lius Blog. N.p., 5 Oct. 2014. Web. 13 Oct. 2014. .

E.J. Schultz. “Kraft Launches New Campaign to Revive Jell-O | News – Advertising Age.” Advertising Age News RSS. N.p., 12 Aug. 2013. Web. 13 Oct. 2014. .
