Anything | Whatever

by yibin ~ October 11th, 2010. Filed under: Uncategorized.

“Anything” & “Whatever” are soft drinks product by Out of the Box beverage company in Singapore. These drinks offer a very unique experience. Every can looks the same on the outside but can contain one of six different flavors. So each time you buy a can you literally don’t know what flavor you’re going to get.

“The concept was developed through the experience a group of friends and I kept having whenever we were at the coffee shop or at home,” Johnson Tan, Managing Director, Out of The Box Pte Ltd said. “People kept telling us they just wanted ‘anything’ or ‘whatever’ whenever we asked them what they wanted to drink.”

Before the launch of the product, there was extensive nation-wide teaser campaign on both mainstream media channels as well as outdoor media. Most of the ads had clever copy playing on the words “Whatever” or “Anything” that arouse curiosity in people’s mind.

Beverages have such a huge market and by targeting at curiosity of mankind, the company has developed a competitive advantage over other canned beverages with a product packaging that will thrill those adventurous and undecided.

“’Anything’ and ‘Whatever’ drinks were immensely well-received when first launched in Singapore and now have also entered the export markets.

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