
by yibin ~ November 7th, 2010. Filed under: Uncategorized.

Jess Tang’s post about Google caught my interest and I want to expand more on what Google contributed to online marketing or the marketing world as a whole.

Google has permeated into our everyday life; it does not only serve as a search engine as we once knew. It has countless online products available from search engines to maps, YouTube, Gmail and the list goes on and on. With such high usage of Google product and high search share, Google has the ability to reach very large number of people and thus become a very powerful marketing machine by providing information and act as a medium to communicate value.

Google has forged itself as the ‘middleman’ as more and more of the world’s business is performed on the internet. Also, with its advertising program such as Adsense and Adword, it benefits marketer and consumers both as a channel of communication, providing  the right information to the right people at the right time.

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