Facebook Ads

by yibin ~ October 3rd, 2010. Filed under: Uncategorized.

Facebook marketing is one of the most effective ways a business can use social networking. With millions of users logging in everyday in this social networking site, getting exposure for business is literally attainable through finger tips.

Facebook rely on those complex algorithms to know if you are single, married, your hobbies, ethnicity, and a lot about your profile. It also knows a lot about what you do. Facebook Groups for example are great indicators of your interests and where you are socially active. Facebook’s statuses can also tell a lot about you, your personality, your interests, and a whole lot about you. With Facebook places it even knows where you are, interesting tips you share, and your habits.

The information available on Facebook is far more powerful then anyone has. This forms the genesis for Facebook ads. Using information available in Facebook, ads can be tailored to suit individuals. Advertisers can target their ads to specific gender, ethnicity, hobbies, nationality, location, behavior, and a whole lot of parameters.

Facebook’s ability to take off the advertising world is so powerful that even Google’s CEO publicly admitted the realities of competition Google faces from Facebook.

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