
by yibin ~ September 23rd, 2010. Filed under: Uncategorized.

To kick start my first post in this blog, I would like to share an interesting video about how marketing has changed overtime.

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Marketing is a relatively young discipline. Some, however, would argue that it has been around since Roman times. But we’ve seen media explode and overload with the down of the industrial age. The way marketers communicate messages depends heavily on the technology that are available. With that said, the past two centuries of technologies have rapidly changed the way marketers push their messages.

We are now at the dawn of social media. Social media is of course the current “trending topic” in the field, but like any other medium, it would just be another day-to-day communication tool one day. How long would the social media hype last and what would be the next technology to revolutionize how marketers work?

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