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Sep 20 / yifei

A toddler’s first halting step into a new world…

Here is my open position for the first week(as I remembered this step is required in the module instructions)



Company Name



Price Paid

Last Price

Market Value

Profit/Loss (local curr)

P/L %













As a late beginner, thinking this trading would be much the same with my previous trading proved to be totally wrong, and my first day trying out into the  futures trading seems tougher than expected. Getting up early in the morning and lock myself in a doom small room facing a field of uncertainty, pretty exciting but soon helplessly lost in a sea of information.  It made me feel that as if I were a newly born baby stunned by a world of loads of “new” halting and confusing which way to go and how…

But it’s a good thing, it’s from this phase that I got to know where I don’t know and starting learning. (学然后知不足)

Still ambitious though, my plan for fist step was to simply searching out videos and articles telling about futures market and how to start my first step of trading, I find a good video on youtube telling in detail figuring about what futures trading is all about, this may seems too fundamental to many of u=_=, but I found it really helpful for a kindergarden level student like me..

My first trying was basically just trying:P. My plan for next step is to make more things clear out, go further into more trading experiences, find out reliable information resource, and develop a basic thinking and predicting pattern, not too aggressively but step by step. It’s a good start to just get our hands dirty, and don’t worry too much about the result, just keep learning and make progress!

I do find this experience ( trading, posting, sharing information, etc.) a lot of fun, hope all of you guys enjoy the excitement of exploring and improving!^^


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