Comment to blog from Zhiqi Ding (link:

This blog analysis the reason that Blackberry, which is seem not so popular in this era, can still earn a certain market share by its business phone. From the view of the author, it is this single business function of Blackberry phones that satisfies part of demand, the loyal customers.

I think she got a very good point. Numbers of companies are using this way to generate consumers with brand loyalty, especially in luxury brands. They need not to adjust themselves to content desire of majority of people. The designers only make products following their ways, and only target to people who appreciate their style. I think this strategy really match with the focus strategy in Porter’s article. By targeting on smaller customer segment and providing unique products, companies distinguish themselves from others. As their products have few substitutes in the market, the companies can pass the cost to the customers.

Instead of producing the phones with strong entertainment function, Blackberry focus on improving business function and the security system of the phone. The customers, especially businessman, will feel convenience and safe when they use it. This special feature can ensure them have a stable market share and make Blackberry become the leader in business phone area.

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