HP, creating value from organizational culture

Organizational culture is the soul of a company, which can gather people together to achieve goals. Numbers of companies became successful because they have a fantastic organizational culture. HP is one of the successful companies which benefits from organizational culture.

Trusting and respecting people, HP allow their employees to express their ideas or purpose some different opinions. Without worrying about being blamed, the staff even can make comment to what their supervisors did, which can help the superiors improve themselves. Moreover, this free environment to express feeling, not only can help employees to release the pressure, but also narrow the gap between the superiors and lower lever, making the whole company become a family. This comfortable atmosphere will create loyalty of the staffs.

The other unique culture of HP is providing a nearly perfect job security to the employees. When facing the financial crisis, the majority of the companies will choose to fire people in order to cut down the cost. However, HP, instead of fire people, cut down the salaries as well as the workload of all employees. This way can cut down the cost, at the same time, give security to employees. By doing so, staffs will be more loyal to the company and try their best to help.

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