Satisfy themselves, contribute to the society

Different from business entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs adopt a mission to create and sustain both profit and social value. Nowadays, there are more and more social entrepreneurs have come into our sight. Satisfying their needs, their works also address the some social problems.


Tom Szaky, a freshman in Princeton, spotted business value from turning worm poop into organic fertilizer. Using the investment from family and venture capitalist, Tom built up a farm call “worm gin” and started to package these fertilizers up in soda bottles. Now his products are available in Wal- mart, and his company makes 13 million dollars in 2010. Now, the company begins to recycle other wastes, to make some funny and useful products which become the main product of his company, helping them to gain more profits.


Social entrepreneurs will create some shared values, but as they are businessmen, they should generate their profit first. By owning a farm, Tom needs not to worry about the materials, whose price will change unpredictably. This action will reduce the risk the company takes. When he company start up, Tom has focused on a clear customers segment. Tom directly went to local gardening centre to sell his product. Because his clear customer segment and an attractive value preposition, the product became best seller and Tom able to get money to grow his company.


Beside these success he made, Tom also devoted himself on create social values. What he produces, the fertilizer, is environmentally friendly. Worm poop is a useless material to many of us, but turn them to fertilizer can help farmers and gardeners. By doing so, we can grow plants without pollute the earth and reduce the waste. Moreover, Tom’s company will donate 2 cent for everything they recycled and this action has already raised 3.2 million dollars. I think this is so call social return.


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