business ethic

“the poisonous milk” happening in 2008 in China is a typical affair of lack of business ethic. In 2008, mamas found that their babies become ill after drinking milk of a brand. After investigating, the government declared that this company add harmful chemical in milk powder in order to pass the nutrition test. There are approximately 30000 victims, and six of them dead because kidney stone and other kidney damage led by this chemical . Along with the investigation went deeper, more companies are founded that they add this chemical in milk powder, even some famous companies.

For government, I think they should take responsibility on censor the quality of product. In this case, they should first announce the punishment to criminals,and then carry out a stricter rules and higher standard to regular the market.

Consumer, the people impacted directly, should show zero tolerance towards this issue. Maybe a boycott will help companies to get self-discipline.

On brand impact, this scandal influence milk industry seriously. First, Chinese consumers, their main target, lost confidence in the whole industry. “sales have fallen by 30–40% on a comparative basis”,according to China Daily . Second, many counties carried out a ban on exporting products which contain milk powder from China, such as Singapore and South Korea

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