Yiling Liu's Blog

Aboriginals Long Fight to Protect Their Land

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    BC Hydro’s hydroelectric megaproject, Site C, will not only impose adverse effects on the First Nations, but also building a dam will cause negative evironmental impacts. The Aboriginal community is confident in shutting down site C because the “Crown can only justify infringing on Aboriginal title lands by “demonstrating both a compelling and substantial governmental objective,” and that the broader benefits “must not be outweighed by adverse effects on the Aboriginal interest” (O’Niel). The question here is ‘to what extent can we judge whether the adverse effects on…read more


Will New Campaign Help Kraft’s Comeback of Jell-O?

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http://adage.com/article/news/kraft-launches-campaign-revive-jell-o/243616/ Sales for Jell-O in recent years has been declining, met with the reductions in marketing spending for Jell-O. This is mainly because Jell-O is not clear in its purpose. It is like a combination of snack and dessert. Consumptions for desserts has decreased significantly as people become more health-conscious. The new advertising campaigns focuses on how “chocolatey” and how fun it is. Kraft has observed that the trend for people’s diets has become less diet conscious, therefore their new ads emphasizes the sweet and creaminess with no regard to calorie or…read more


Is Air France’s Strike Really Benefiting Easyjet?

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http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/transport/11138443/easyJet-sees-surge-from-Air-France-strike.html (Image source: https://twitter.com/hashtag/easyjet) As Easyjet sales increase due to Air France strikes, so have many services offered to the public. This private flight company is mainly benefitting from the fallout of Air France. Profits, revenue, and expenses compared to Air France at the moment are at record numbers. The no-frills flights, due to high efficiency had offset increases in regulated airport charges and other costs associated with carrying more passengers. This means that an average flight include cheaper fuels and services to the public. Profits that have been divided, in…read more


Luxury Brands should be cautious of the economic state of Hong Kong after Protest

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http://money.cnn.com/2014/10/02/luxury/hong-kong-protests-luxury/index.html?section=money_news_international (Image source: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-29438025)     The protests in Hong Kong have taken its toll on Hong Kong’s economy. Tourism is one of Hong Kong’s main sources of income, next to serving as logistics center for China managing its imports and exports. Hong Kong’s current economic state is in a crippling state and assuming many workers are not content with China as well. Hong Kong being a Special Administrative Zone cannot simply abide with China’s economy. Hong Kong serving as one of the financial centers in Asia and the world means…read more


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