Is Air France’s Strike Really Benefiting Easyjet?

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As Easyjet sales increase due to Air France strikes, so have many services offered to the public. This private flight company is mainly benefitting from the fallout of Air France. Profits, revenue, and expenses compared to Air France at the moment are at record numbers. The no-frills flights, due to high efficiency had offset increases in regulated airport charges and other costs associated with carrying more passengers. This means that an average flight include cheaper fuels and services to the public. Profits that have been divided, in my opinion, have not only helped the non-governmental employees, but also the public as well. Luxury from an Easyjet flight are scarce and limited but from a perspective, not a high percentage of the population consists of high-income individuals. This places an emphasis between Average vs “Higher” personnel. Although Air France’s strikes have caused Air France sales and revenue to plummet, Easyjet (a no-frills basic airline) is increasingly popular among the public as its sales projection indicate many advantages for the general population, and itself. However, easyjet is viewed by customer as a lower-end service, therefore, when Air France strike stops, some customers may go back to Air France.