Yiling Liu's Blog

If the UN was fully funded, why would we need the Arc or social enterpreneurs?

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Social entrepreneurs are people who set out to better the world and solve global problems with their innovations. The Arc is one form of social entrepreneurs, they bring business tools to help fuel entrepreneurship in places like South Africa, Ethiopia, Columbia, and Rwanda. The similarity between the UN and Social entrepreneurs is that they both set out to better the world, end poverty, etc. However, the UN’s approaches are mostly to provide vast amounts of money or support to the people in need, and sometimes these money and support cannot reach the…read more

Laundry Pods May Be More Harmful than We Realise

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According to a news article posted on CTV News, Laundry pods sent more than 700 U.S. kids to hospital in 2 years: study, laundry pods have more dangerous downsides to it than we may realise, especially to families with young children. As a laundry pods user myself, the first time I used it, I was fascinated by the convenience of it. Detergent companies most likely sat down and completed a Value Proposition Canvas and realised that there are customer’s pains of finding the regular detergent too much trouble therefore they innovate…read more

SimCity–Fun and Educational

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In the Blog, SimCity that I Used to Know, by Doug Bierend, Bierend discusses how Sims is not just an entertainment game but it is also educational.The Blog presents the creator of Sims, Will Wright’s, views on the game from an interview with him on the games 25th birthday. Wright believes that playing is one of the most effective and enjoyable way for humans to learn. Therefore he has incorporated economic, accounting, and ethical concepts in the game that will be unraveled for each player according to the decisions they make in…read more

Credit Card Wristbands?

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After reading Megan Howarth’s Blog, Credit Card Wristbands?, a few thoughts came to me. In the Blog, Megan described the security concerns she has for the wristband but also recognises the uniqueness of this product. The wristband is synced to its owner’s heartbeat and does not require a PIN code. This brings to mind the never-ending debate of the over dependency of technology in everyday lives. As in famous contemporary author, Kurt Vonnegut’s, short stories, the overriding theme of being controlled by the technology is prevalent. Vonnegut has skeptical views on the topic…read more

Dove–Selling more than just beauty products

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An inspirational Ted Talk by Meaghan Ramsey, the global director of the Dove Self-Esteem Project, talks about how men and women in our generation are suffering from the low self-esteem because they are not confident with the way they look. The impacts are serious, varying from having lower GPA in schools and choosing not to attend interviews because they do not feel confident. This is a serious social dilemma that could lead to negative economic results (higher unemployment rate, social unrest, etc.) and should be addressed carefully. I found it interesting how Ramsey did not…read more

How appealing is McCafe’s home brew?

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After reading fellow classmate, Michelle Su’s blog Have your McCafe at home, the question of ‘how appealing this will be?’ popped into my head. In her blog, it stated that McDonald’s have recently introduced its popular coffee to shelves in grocery stores in Canada and summarises the company’s reasons behind this move. Despite the positive prospects of McDonald’s introduction of packaged home brew coffee, I personally feel like this could be a risky move. The reasons are simple. Firstly, similar products such as, Starbucks home brew coffee, already exists. Therefore customers could already…read more

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