Dove–Selling more than just beauty products

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An inspirational Ted Talk by Meaghan Ramsey, the global director of the Dove Self-Esteem Project, talks about how men and women in our generation are suffering from the low self-esteem because they are not confident with the way they look. The impacts are serious, varying from having lower GPA in schools and choosing not to attend interviews because they do not feel confident. This is a serious social dilemma that could lead to negative economic results (higher unemployment rate, social unrest, etc.) and should be addressed carefully.


I found it interesting how Ramsey did not mention her Dove Self-Esteem Project in the talk, so I looked into it and found what they are doing truly motivating and is very responsible as a corporate. Their mission is “to improve the self-esteem of more than 15 million girls and young women by 2015.” They have developed their products and value proposition around this mission. I believe Dove’s value proposition is a very successful one because they successfully relieve the pain of their target market, which is young women with low self-esteem. Their products and campaigns are built to help young women embrace their natural beauty. I admire Dove for caring about the customer segment that use their products. I would personally prefer a Dove product more after finding out about the good cause they are trying to achieve as a corporate.

Photo Credit:

Meaghan Ramsey

Dove Products