If the UN was fully funded, why would we need the Arc or social enterpreneurs?

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Social entrepreneurs are people who set out to better the world and solve global problems with their innovations. The Arc is one form of social entrepreneurs, they bring business tools to help fuel entrepreneurship in places like South Africa, Ethiopia, Columbia, and Rwanda. The similarity between the UN and Social entrepreneurs is that they both set out to better the world, end poverty, etc. However, the UN’s approaches are mostly to provide vast amounts of money or support to the people in need, and sometimes these money and support cannot reach the ones truly in need because of embezzlement. Whereas, social entrepreneurs “get down” to the core of the problems we have and try to help the people solve their own problems instead of just helping them solve their problems. This brings to mind the old saying “you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. You teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” In my opinion, social entrepreneurs are extremely important in solving long-term global dilemmas, however the importance of UN on international issues should not be neglected either. Therefore, even if the UN was fully funded we would still need social entrepreneurs and the Arc because together they better our world.