Laundry Pods May Be More Harmful than We Realise

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According to a news article posted on CTV News, Laundry pods sent more than 700 U.S. kids to hospital in 2 years: study, laundry pods have more dangerous downsides to it than we may realise, especially to families with young children. As a laundry pods user myself, the first time I used it, I was fascinated by the convenience of it. Detergent companies most likely sat down and completed a Value Proposition Canvas and realised that there are customer’s pains of finding the regular detergent too much trouble therefore they innovate and introduce the laundry pods, as pain relievers for customers like myself. ap_tide_pods_ll_120523_wblogpodsNonetheless, these laundry pods that look very similar to candy have caused the poisoning and even death of up to 700 children in two years time, in the United States. In response to this, detergent companies are making laundry pods safer by changing the packaging and improving warning labels. However, I personally believe that the product itself should be less toxic. The market for laundry pods is relatively small and the demand is elastic, also a product like this will not revolutionise the industry, however if it wants to maintain its market share, companies should definitely improve on the safety issues. 



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