Gary Hayes Social Media Count

As the social media expands and takes on the role of being one of the most important tool for everyday life, it starts appearing everywhere over the past few years. Many of us are more and more sensitive to today’s exponential growth and development of social media these days.

Gary Hayes Social Media Count, a Flash app showing the activeness and dynamics of the social web, is intriguing in that it takes only a few seconds for us to realize the enormous growth rate of social media with real data. This “live” social media counter measures social network activity in real time.

click on the tabs to view different measures

However, as our wonders for how many people are blogging, uploading videos, tweeting, or facebooking right at this very minute fade, the next question of what exactly are they doing comes up. Are they wasting time at work? Discussing the News? Sharing thoughts about someone’s party?

More interestingly, this counter has been retweeted 850 times, embedded in blogs 115 times, gets 1750 views per day on Gary Hayes’ Website after only one month from its birth in September 2009.

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