Cass Beer Commercials

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The above is an interesting commercial from Cass Beer. A famous korean beer brand that invests huge amounts of money in featuring famous actors/actresses in their commercials. As people in Asia tend to dislike the boring and uncreative commercials that interrupt the TV programs they watch, viewing commercials has become a torturous event for a majority of Asian people.

However, this commercial by Cass Beer creatively introduced their brand to their target market, the younger generation, by a captivating story. Since this kind of “young love” often happens, most people would feel connected to the brand and to the beautiful actors/actresses the commercials feature. In addition, they made the story continuous by introducing the after-story part in a second video. Cass Beer got super famous in a very short time after the company introduced these two commercials in series.

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In this way, Cass Beer is able to advertise their products to consumers effectively and they turned people’s hatred for commercials into love. That’s one successful strategy!

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